Seattle: Sake Nomi Sushi & Sake Pairing
Sushi & Sake Pairing
Event Organizer’s Description:
Sushi & Saké Pairing: March 26 (Sat.) @ 7 p.m.
To accompany the delicious creations of one of Saké Nomi’s preferred sushi vendors, Kurosaki & Son, we’ll be selecting a variety of savory saké.
$25/person (& tax) covers the tasty array of sushi, and the saké will be “by the glass/flight.”
Seating will be extremely limited, so don’t hesitate in reserving your spot by calling in or emailing your RSVP today!
[email protected]
TEL: 206-467-SAKE (7253)
Saké Nomi
[email protected]
TEL: 206-467-SAKE (7253)
76 S. Washington St. (in Pioneer Square)
Seattle, WA 98104
Hours: Tues. – Sat.: 2 – 10 p.m., Sunday: Noon- 6 p.m.,
(Closed Mondays)