Stamp for “Tokujo” rice grade
All sake rice (
shuzokotekimai) must be graded before it can be sold and used in sake production. “Tokujo” is the highest or “best” quality grade of sake rice, also known as “above special” grade. Sake rice is graded on weight of the grains (measured in a value known as the
Senryuju or weight of 1000 grains), number of broken or cracked grains and the number of grains that remain “green” or unripened. To achieve Tokujo grade, over 90% of the grains must meet the aforementioned criteria. The grade or classification of the rice is stamped on the rice bag.
Also See Related Terms:
• Shuzokotekimai
• Senryuju
• Tokuto
View our Rice Classification Chart:

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